Estate Planning
At Stackpole & French, we believe that estate and succession planning are critical goals for every person and business that we represent. We work closely with our clients and their professional advisors to understand their goals and concerns, and to develop and implement a plan that helps to protect their family and assets while minimizing tax implications and preserving their wealth for future generations. Our planning services include preparation and counsel on Advance Health Care Directives, General Durable Power of Attorneys, Last Will and Testaments, Guardianship appointments, Revocable Trusts, Irrevocable Trusts, Realty Trusts, trust funding, and business succession. We also have broad experience with both trust and probate administration, providing personal and legal assistance with the process of settling a trust estate or probate estate after the death of a loved one.

Trust Services
In addition, Stackpole & French offers Fiduciary and Trust services. Clients may appoint our firm with fiduciary roles such as their Health Care Agent, Power of Attorney Agent, Trustee or Successor Trustee, Executor, or Trust Advisor.
Our trust services include working with families and beneficiaries, preparing certificates of trustee and other administrative documents, working with accountants, financial advisors, and realtors, and a variety of other services all in an effort to achieve the decedent’s goals effectively and efficiently.